Monday, October 19, 2009

Week 10 Report

Wait...week 10?! What happened to week 9?? (And, truth be told, we're already smack dab into week 11 already, soo..) Obviously, something happened in the Gentry house to keep me from blogging.

During week 9, we had some visitors--Troy's parents were here for a conference at the seminary. So I did great at my routines early in the week...but not so much at the end. So that's what happened to week 9.

THEN, on week 10--well, really at the end of week 9--almost the entire household got sick. Tayler came down with what was diagnosed as swine flu (although I'm convinced that Troy and Clayton had it as well but they only test people over age 2 who are special risk groups, which is why Tayler was tested and not them) and Tori & Cody came down with viral upper respiratory infections. Thankfully, I did not get sick, but taking care of 5 people very obviously is a wear on the system. Whenever I wasn't making a run to buy more supplies for the sickies, washing endless medicine dosage cups, TRYING to stay on top of the laundry (definitely lost that war--and now have Mount Vesuvius of laundry to tackle today), popping yet another movie in the borrowed TV/DVD player for the kids, or heating up I don't know how many pans of soup, I was in my bed completely dead to the world. And since some of the medicines had to be administered 'round the clock....well, it was like having a baby in the house again.

Thankfully, everybody is on the mend and working to get over lingering coughs and regain some strength, which means that it's time to once again pay some attention to my routines. Needless to say, I missed the weigh-in this month, and given how close we are to the end of the month, I will wait and weigh in on November 1.

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