Thursday, June 23, 2011

First Weight Goal - MET (6/23/11)

I broke up my weight loss journey into several smaller goals. The first one was to lose 20 lbs (be at 197) by August 30, 2011.

After arriving home from Iowa a couple weeks ago, I gained about 2 lbs but had not gotten on the scale since then. For the last week or so, I've been sick and hadn't been consuming my calories each day. It's not like was not eating on purpose, but when you've got a huge fever blister on your lip, a nasty cough, and a fever, there's just not a lot you want to eat (I ate a lot of popsicles and drank fluids through a straw).

So out of curiosity, today I got on the Wii scale. And was STUNNED to see that needle stop at 197. For the first time in well over 7 years, I AM ACTUALLY BELOW 200 LBS!!!!!!!!

Even better, I've now REACHED my first weight-loss goal of 20 lbs down by August---a whopping 2 months early!

One-der land is AMAZING.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A New Tool

The kids and I got back from visiting family in Iowa for a week and a half (including four travel days) on Friday. I'd been a bit afraid of stepping on the scale because of all the goodies enjoyed while away. AE Chocolate Milk. Homemade ice cream. Chocolate chip bars. Special K bars. And while at Adventureland with the family -- pizza and FUNNEL CAKE. Yum-o!

But today I had to step on the scale and face my worst fears. My sister gave me her "body bug" (although it's not the same version as the one showcased on Biggest Loser -- this is a Body Media device) to help me get a better idea of how many calories I actually burn each day. So this afternoon, I spent a few minutes setting up an account and had to....gasp!...include my current weight for my profile. The damage done after that time away from my strenuous 1500 calories a day? A 2-lb gain. Really, in the grand scheme of things, 2 lbs is not a huge deal. Yes, I could've done better. But I'm not gonna sweat it.

Meanwhile, back to the grindstone!