Friday, August 14, 2009

Week 1

There wasn't a lot of progress to report this week as I really struggled with sticking to the schedule I made for myself. All in all, I only managed to log in 1 day on the total gym (okay, 2 if I am good and do it tomorrow as I'm supposed to) and 1 day of doing the walking DVD. Need to do a bit better in that department.

This morning was a good morning, though. I was up for my devotions and had an hour of quiet before the kids got up in which to do them (although an hour is just not enough--it showed me that I need at least 1 1/2 hours, meaning that I need to get up every day by 5:30). Then I did the 15-minute (1 mile) Leslie Sansone walking DVD and had cereal and hot tea for breakfast. I had hoped to do the 30 minute (2 mile) DVD but as I'm starting I've noticed that my knees have been especially sore lately so I've decided to work into it. 15 minutes a day is better than nothing!

Aside from the ice cream I bought on a weak moment over last weekend and the fast food we've eaten this week (although I cooked quite a bit as well), I've done pretty well with the food. For now I'm trying to adapt to the principles I learned in Weigh Down 10 years ago--eat whatever you want, but ONLY when you're hungry. Once you're full, put down the fork! I also have decided to help myself by not buying any more of the sweets to have on hand. Chips I can take or leave (mostly leave). Cake I can take or leave (by itself, I can mostly leave. Pair it with ice cream and I'm a gonner). Hard candy I can take or leave. Most cookies I can take or leave (I have a particular weakness for home-baked goodies like frosted sugar cookies or Special K bars or Double Stuf Oreos, however). But put some chocolate or ice cream in the house and I'm in trouble! So that's just what I'm NOT buying for now.

So there's the nitty gritty on the physical stuff I'm working on. I'm also attempting in this whole process to become a discipled person. After all, I believe a disciplined person has the ability to say no to food they don't need. A discipled person has the ability to keep up with the housework under normal circumstances. A disciplined person is not a lazy person. A disciplined person knows how to control her tongue and uses it to encourage and edify.

You may as well place a giant plackard around my neck that says, "under construction", because that's what's happening in my life right now. Remeber that Gaither song, "Kids Under Construction"?

The Lord is not finished with me yet.

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