Friday, August 7, 2009

Getting Started

Okay, so obviously this is going to be about my weight loss goals (if you've seen the profile picture and can read, there shouldn't be any confusion about this).

Why lean and mean? Why not "skinny"? First of all, I detest (there is not a way I can emphasize this word strongly enough) that word. Second of all, I don't think it's natural. Especially not for a woman who's had four children and can't afford plastic surgery or her own personal trainer and chef. My ultimate goal is to lose enough weight to be healthy and regain some of the energy I used to have. I realize that as someone in her mid-thirties, some of that energy is gone for good. But still.

I made a realization recently that I weighed 120 when I started college and thought I was...well, a heifer. No offense to cows, but heiferness is not a pleasant trait in someone who's barely 5 feet tall. Would I love to be 120 pounds? Yes and no. If a magic genie granted me the wish to {poof} instantly become 120 pounds I wouldn't say no. But am I willing to kill myself to get back down to that size? I'd have to say that's a big fat no, at this point.

The goal of this journey is to reach a healthy weight for ME. Jenny. Not Uma Thurman. Not Elle. And certainly not other slightly over 5 feet tall women with or without 4 kids. But it's way more than that, as well. I want to reach the point where I can look at myself--at whatever weight I am at that moment--and see myself as Jesus sees me. Not as the world sees me (because, let's face it. Unless I am a size 2 the world will think I am fat), not even as my husband sees me, but how my Creator--the One who thinks I am beautifully and wonderfully made--sees me.

So if you're reading this and find yourself in the same boat, why not join me on this journey to lean and meanness? I will be posting thoughts on my progress (or even lackthereof) as well as actual stats as well. So stay tuned!


  1. Jenny, so proud of your wonderful, insightful attitude and goal. I can learn a lot from you!

  2. Ok here I go agsin. Let's see if this is going to work.

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