Thursday, March 7, 2013


This may seem like too much information for y'all, but I'm gonna say it anyway. Who knows? It might be affecting other women in my shoes.

I haven't had a regular menstrual cycle for over 16 years. It coincides with the rate at which I gained weight. Before we were married, I even had a doctor tell me that, due to my obesity (I really loathe that word), it would be difficult--if not impossible--for me to get pregnant when that time came. Well, four kids later, she was clearly not correct about that. However. She was right about my irregularity. Each year I gained weight, my periods came less and less frequently. There were years I had about one or two a year. And that can't possibly be healthy, right?

In the last several months, since the weight has really started to come off, my periods have become increasingly regular. In fact, the last two have occurred the same time of the month as each other. And for me, that's not something that has happened since I was about 22 years old.

Who knew losing weight would bring back the regularity to my cycles?!

Like I said at the beginning: this may be more information than you've ever wanted to know about me. But for that one obese woman who has been struggling with getting pregnant due to irregular periods, these next few words are for you:

Honey, you know you need to lose weight. You know it. I don't have to tell you that being obese is not healthy for you. And it's certainly not healthy for that baby you so desperately want to have. If you lose some weight--so far, I've only lost about 12% of my total body weight--not only will you feel and look better, have more energy, and improve your health, you may bring back more regular cycles as well. And as we both know, it's extremely difficult to get pregnant with irregular cycles. Your baby is worth the hard work and effort on your part. But more importantly, so are you.

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