Friday, September 24, 2010

Now We're Getting Somewhere!

Yesterday was the start of something new for me.  My sister reccommended that I join for help losing weight.  You plug in your current weight and your weight goals, how much you plan to exercise, and what type of lifestyle you live, and it tells you how many daily calories you can eat and still lose weight.  Then, you keep track of your food (there are certain food items in the database that have the nutritional elements prefigured, which is helpful), exersise, and water consumption throughout the day.  Any exercise you do increases your caloric intake for the day.  The nice thing is that you can see very clearly if you need to step up your exerscise for the day in order to offset a bit of overeating you did.  Very nice!  Yesterday, even with the bit of exersise I did, I was still below my alloted calories.  Today it might be a bit closer.  But with the tools provided, I'm looking forward to losing weight in the next few months.  I know it will be slow (I selected the 1-pound a week weight loss goal), but I'm hoping that this will help me make more of a lifestyle change, keeping the weight off once I'm down to my goal weight.

My ultimate goal is to be at a whole new size by the time we're finished with language school and ready for the move to Mexico City (hopefully for the fall of 2012).  I've been dealing with weight for the last 15 years, encompassing 2 decades of my life.  The idea of entering my 40s in great shape is thrilling!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a sensible, easy-to-see way to go about it--I like it! You can do this!!
